What a day! Today I was promoted at work. I am now the perioperative services manager at the hospital. I am really excited and looking forward to the new challenges of my position. After calling my husband to tell him the news, I made a call to my sister, Sarah.
My sister is 20 months younger than me. As children, I took great pride in being able to take care of her. I walked her to school and carried her projects home. I tried to protect her from bullies and helped her with her homework. Our parents always stressed the importance of our sibling relationship. My mother frequently reminded us that friends would come and go, but your sister is for life. I have never forgotten that. As teenagers we had different interests and different friends. We didn't always agree but we were still always sisters. We argued and fussed over clothes and boys, like most teenage girls, we were dramatic and emotional and somehow we survived adolescence still close, still sisters. But as much as we relied on each other as kids I wasn't prepared for how much we would rely on each other as women. We have stood by each other through weddings and childbirth. Through our mothers' battle with cancer and our nephew's death. Even though we live on opposite sides of the country, we see each other through.
In April 2006, my sister was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. By her side as much as I could physically be there, I supported her. Physically, emotionally and spiritually we worked through many fears. Ultimately, we relied on our Savior's sovereign reign in her life for our comfort. She is an inspiration to me on so many levels. She lives her life day by day, loving our Lord, singing praises to Him and thanking Him for her family and His love. Through the fear she embraces life. She is thankful for the daily blessings many of us take for granted and prays through the tough days when she feels the pain of her illness. What I gave her during that time pales in comparison to the prayer, love and commitment she gave me during a very dark period in my life. Her forgiving spirit is an example of Christ's love lived out in her. She prays for me daily. She is an encouragement and a light I cannot imagine life without. Her love is humbling and her strength in the darkest hours is fierce. She makes me want to be like her.
The future is uncertain for all of us. But I know my God is sovereign and His plan is not thwarted by the things of this world. Romans 8:28 says "He will work all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." His ways are far better than mine and I trust him with my sister. He is the only one who loves her more than I do.
My sister....my blessing!
My sister is 20 months younger than me. As children, I took great pride in being able to take care of her. I walked her to school and carried her projects home. I tried to protect her from bullies and helped her with her homework. Our parents always stressed the importance of our sibling relationship. My mother frequently reminded us that friends would come and go, but your sister is for life. I have never forgotten that. As teenagers we had different interests and different friends. We didn't always agree but we were still always sisters. We argued and fussed over clothes and boys, like most teenage girls, we were dramatic and emotional and somehow we survived adolescence still close, still sisters. But as much as we relied on each other as kids I wasn't prepared for how much we would rely on each other as women. We have stood by each other through weddings and childbirth. Through our mothers' battle with cancer and our nephew's death. Even though we live on opposite sides of the country, we see each other through.
In April 2006, my sister was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. By her side as much as I could physically be there, I supported her. Physically, emotionally and spiritually we worked through many fears. Ultimately, we relied on our Savior's sovereign reign in her life for our comfort. She is an inspiration to me on so many levels. She lives her life day by day, loving our Lord, singing praises to Him and thanking Him for her family and His love. Through the fear she embraces life. She is thankful for the daily blessings many of us take for granted and prays through the tough days when she feels the pain of her illness. What I gave her during that time pales in comparison to the prayer, love and commitment she gave me during a very dark period in my life. Her forgiving spirit is an example of Christ's love lived out in her. She prays for me daily. She is an encouragement and a light I cannot imagine life without. Her love is humbling and her strength in the darkest hours is fierce. She makes me want to be like her.
The future is uncertain for all of us. But I know my God is sovereign and His plan is not thwarted by the things of this world. Romans 8:28 says "He will work all things for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." His ways are far better than mine and I trust him with my sister. He is the only one who loves her more than I do.
My sister....my blessing!
Oh I love you, girl! And Sarah. Thank God for both of you!